Use "autistic children|autistic child" in a sentence

1. One child in 5 000 is autistic.

2. Some autistic children have limited communication skills.

3. Autistic: 1 adj characteristic of or affected with autism “ Autistic behavior” “ Autistic children” Synonyms: ill , sick affected by an impairment of normal physical or mental function

4. If you're Autistic, you're Autistic your whole life.

5. But many parents seek this treatment for autistic children.

6. Autistic children always stands back to any group activity.

7. Autistic meltdowns are not limited to young children on the spectrum

8. Examples of brilliance crop up in one in ten autistic children.

9. Admirably Autistic, Mount Cotton

10. Admirably Autistic, Mount Cotton

11. The earlier an autistic child gets treatment, the better the chances of success.

12. The public has a perception that all autistic children have special talents.

13. Allistic (not comparable) Not autistic

14. Their five year old boy is autistic.

15. Autistic people's lives can improve with the right support, and it's possible for Autistic adults to lead happy, fulfilling lives

16. The Autistic Brain; Is Autism Genetic? Coping with Stress While Caring for a Child with Autism

17. But the researchers found that as man age, their chances of fathering autistic children increase.

18. But the researchers found that as men age, their chances of fathering autistic children increase.

19. How to use Autistic in a sentence.

20. Families that are more likely to have Autistic children are also more likely to have geniuses.

21. Autistic meltdowns generally begin with warning signals called

22. Every Autistic person is different to every other

23. The movie stars Dustin Hoffman as an autistic man.

24. Allistic Also referred to as nypical, the term refers to all non-autistic people, which comprises both neurotypicals and non-autistic neurodivergent people

25. Autistic Self Advocacy Network - Nothing About Us Without Us

26. Autistic people are an important part of the world

27. These Asocial people tend to be on the autistic spectrum.

28. I think Atypicality is a measure of their 'autistic behavior'

29. Autistic intelligence varies widely, from severe retardation to savant syndrome.

30. Autistic individuals vary widely in their strengths and need for support

31. Being Autistic does not mean you have an illness or disease

32. Aware is a parent-run group supporting families with children and young adults on the autistic spectrum (formal diagnosis not required)

33. One in 100 people are on the autism spectrum and there are around 700,000 Autistic adults and children in the UK

34. " Anorexic brains are wired differently, " or " Autistic brains are wired differently. "

35. Abed is a fan favorite who touches autistic and neurotypical fans alike

36. Am I Autistic? Autism is a complex and multifaceted neurological developmental disorder

37. Okay, there is a lot of misunderstanding when it comes to Autistic people

38. Results There were significant improvement in score of the Sensory Integrative Scale and clinical symptom after treatment, autistic children had also improved.

39. Allistic is a term that members of the autistic community came up with

40. Amaze is the peak body for autistic people and their supporters in Victoria

41. An autistic person may be indistinguishable from their Allistic peers to a layperson

42. It would be down - right autistic to write to the newspapers and complain.

43. Benni's autistic friend only reveals that Benni was last seen in a "green submarine."

44. Autistic definition is - of, relating to, or marked by autism or autism spectrum disorder

45. 1 day ago · Autistic people have difficult lives: a lot of things that seem trivial or a sign of over-sensitivity to Allistic (non-Autistic people) actually affect us quite significantly.

46. Such scans have not found structural or size differences between autistic and normal brains.

47. The taxidermist is a distinctly odd duck, tall and severe, Asocial and perhaps somewhat autistic

48. A brain that is wired to allow genius may also be wired to be Autistic

49. There are problems with being autistic, and there are problems with having too much imagination.

50. Mine the art of the cripple, the retarded, the autistic, not the beautiful and whole.

51. I think there is something of an autistic culture developing in this country and worldwide.

52. Full Membership of Amase is open to autistic adults aged 16 and… Read the full article

53. Autism masking is a survival strategy for Autistic people to mimic neurotypical behaviors in social situations

54. Read in studio An autistic teenage boy has been sexually assaulted after disappearing from his home.

55. Autism Speaks is a group which claims to advocate for autistic people, but in recent years it has become more synonymous with finding a cure and forcing autistic people to conform to Allistic expectations of normalcy.

56. Blethers offers high quality speech and language therapy services for children and young adults who have communication difficulties, Autistic Spectrum Disorders (including Asperger's Syndrome) and learning difficulties

57.   High-functioning adults with autism are often uninterested in reading about non-Autistic perspectives on autism

58. We saw one autistic kid, about five million bases just missing from one of his chromosomes.

59. / ɑːˈtɪs.tɪk / affected by or relating to the condition of autism, which affects the development of social and communication skills and can affect behaviour: One child in 5,000 is Autistic

60. Ian Squires, severely autistic, returned to Islington in 1986 from a residential school where he'd been happy.

61. Autistic people learn to be good guessers, but we never really know if our social responses are appropriate

62. Because the thing about being autistic is, I had to learn social skills like being in a play.

63. Aspie Singles is an autism dating service for people on the autistic spectrum.Here you can meet singles with autism

64. Chew Necklace by GNAWRISHING - 8 Pack(Dinosaur and Shark Tooth)Sensory Chew Necklace Made from Food Grade Silicone - Perfect for Autistic, ADHD, SPD, Oral Motor Children, Kids, Boys, and Girls, Tough

65. Because of the changes in how autism is defined, many adults now considered Autistic never received an autism diagnosis

66. Perdy and Raymond said Allistic people should speak to autistic people with patience, respect and in an age-appropriate way

67. There are about 180 famous Autistic people I found as part of our research on Ongig’s series on neurodiversity

68. Regardless of how much research has been done by an Allistic person, the true experts on autism are autistic people

69. Children who were autistic and those with special educational needs were less likely to receive the second dose of MMR, possibly reflecting parental concern about vaccination following the diagnosis of a developmental abnormality.

70. Behavioral analysts agree that consistency in and out of the school classroom is key in order for autistic children to maintain proper standing in school and continue to develop to their greatest potential.

71. By autistic standards, the normal human brain is easily distractable, obsessively social, and suffers from a deficit of attention to detail.

72. Basically, the Aspie Quiz measures autistic traits on the one hand, and social abilities on the other, which are attributed to neurotypicality.

73. Aspect Podcasts 'a different brilliant' with Orion Kelly, Aspect podcasts made for Autistic adults and parents or carers of kids on the autism spectrum

74. They range from this fluffy toy that is about hugging you -- because autistic children like to be hugged tight, so it has a spring inside -- all the way to this doll with a mirror so the child can see him or herself in the mirror and regain a sense of self.

75. Atypical: Season One is a family oriented Netflix series based around an 18 year old boy on the autistic spectrum played by Keir Gilchrist

76. Atypical is a coming of age story that follows Sam, an 18-year-old on the autistic spectrum as he searches for love and independence.

77. ‘This Asocial conceptualization of competition and markets leads to the view of social relations as ‘impediments’ or ‘friction’ in the efficient functioning of markets.’ ‘An autistic child placed under pressure will behave in an Asocial way by withdrawing, or ignoring or …

78. r/Aspiememes: welcome to r/Aspiememes! 🌟 this is a place for content that captures the reality of being an autistic person through memes, gifs …

79. Aftereffect podcast on demand - In summer 2016, a police shooting upended the life of Arnaldo Rios Soto, a 26-year old, non-speaking, autistic man

80. The REAL reason why they are so misunderstood is because people are not listening to the actual Autistic people themselves when they hear about autism